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The philosophy of NatureForm
Silicone Nasal Implant

NatureForm is compound of natural and formation. The product was deviced by mainly focusing on surgeon's convenience for surgery and patient's satisfaction with natural result. NatureForm's main advantage is as below.


Korea quality in detail


The design of NatureForm has been deviced by specialized korean plastic surgeons. And it will be developed continuously by conforming with customer's trend and more natural shape.

With approved implant grade silicone material, all NatureForm products are hand made by experienced korean masters having long time career.


Customized size and hardness


Natureform is 100% hand-carving product and we always follow natural formation result of patient.

To achieve natural result, we provide diverse customized sizes and optimal hardness product most similar with anatomical nasal,chin and malar. So, surgeon can choose freely customized product which can be fit into each patient.


Optimal formation


Firmly built formation enable surgeon to carve it easy and conveniently.

Due to its optimal formation, the product can be maintained for a long time with its natural shape. 

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